- freight or carriage paid to ..
- англ. провоз оплачен до ...
Das Deutsch-Russische und Russisch-Deutsche Business- und Banking-Wörterbuch. - М.: Russkiy Yazyk - Media. N. D. Iwaschtschenko. 2005.
Das Deutsch-Russische und Russisch-Deutsche Business- und Banking-Wörterbuch. - М.: Russkiy Yazyk - Media. N. D. Iwaschtschenko. 2005.
freight and insurance paid — ˌfreight and inˌsurance ˈpaid noun [uncountable] another name for carriage and insurance paid * * * freight and insurance paid UK US adverb TRANSPORT, INSURANCE ► CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID(Cf. ↑carriage and insurance paid) … Financial and business terms
Carriage Paid To — (CPT) is an Incoterm. It can be used for all modes of transport including multimodal transport. The seller pays for the freight to the named point of destination. The buyer pays for the insurance. The passing of risk occurs when the goods have… … Wikipedia
carriage paid — UK US adjective, adverb (also freight paid, ABBREVIATION CPT) ► COMMERCE, TRANSPORT used before the name of a place to show that the company or person sending goods has paid for them to be transported as far as the place named: »carriage paid to… … Financial and business terms
Carriage Paid To — ( CPT) Seller is responsible for the payment of freight to carry goods to a named overseas destination. The risk of loss or damage is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered into the carrier s custody. This… … Financial and business terms
Carriage Paid To — noun Meaning the seller pays for the freight to the named destination, but the buyer pays for the insurance during the transportation … Wiktionary
freight paid — ˌfreight ˈpaid noun [uncountable] TRANSPORT another name for carriage * * * freight paid UK US adverb TRANSPORT ► CARRIAGE PAID(Cf. ↑carriage paid) … Financial and business terms
carriage and insurance paid — ➔ Incoterm * * * carriage and insurance paid UK US adjective, adverb (also freight and insurance paid, ABBREVIATION CIP) ► COMMERCE, TRANSPORT, INSURANCE used to show that the company or person sending goods has … Financial and business terms
carriage — car‧riage [ˈkærɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] 1. COMMERCE TRANSPORT when goods are moved by vehicle from one place to another; = FREIGHT: • The receipts for carriage of timber have formed an important proportion of revenue. 2 … Financial and business terms
freight — A transportation term meaning either goods being transported, and/or charges incurred for such transport. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. freight freight 1 [freɪt] noun [uncountable] 1. TRANSPORT goods carried in large quantities by… … Financial and business terms
Freight forwarder — The storefront of one of many freight forwarders located around Guangzhou s garment districts. The list of destinations indicate that this business serves importers of Chinese clothes to countries such as Russia and Azerbaijan. A freight… … Wikipedia
freight — I noun article of commerce, cargo, carload, consignment, freightage, goods, lading, load, merchandise, onus, packages, pay load, shipment II index cargo, load, merchandise, send … Law dictionary